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RaITH™ means Rapid IT Healthcheck

One of our IBM i Services

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Sometimes you'd like help evaluating and prioritizing your top concerns without having to hire (or host on-site) expensive consultants.

Can be done remotely!

RaITHprovides value by...

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Chordia Consulting's RaITH™ service can help with that evaluation for what you might pay for a plane ticket.

Download our whitepaper to learn more about how RAITH uses algorithms

Click here to download

RaITH is an on-line, questionnaire-driven, algorithm-based IT diagnostic expert you never have to meet...

Unless you want to.

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First, provide some technical information about your IBM i 

environment.  A telephone interview will gather additional detail.

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Then answer just 30 questions (or dig deeper with RaITH's over 400 In-Depth questions) and you get an expert opinion about where your IT improvement opportunities are and how to address them.

All in prioritized sequence.

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Download and read our whitepaper to learn more about how RaITH uses algorithms to quickly analyze your IT environment.

What results does RaITH provide?

You get a one-page visual heat map for easy review and communication.

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A portfolio of in-depth text pages describing leading practices, key analysis questions, relevant metrics and documentation.

And you get suggestions for practical initiatives that can help improve your

IBM i performance and value 

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Click here to download

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