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Get Started Now! Services

Get started with a highly experienced but small (and affordable) team with no “big firm” agenda

As an IT or business leader, you need someplace to start...

Leaders must carefully consider as many options as time allows but…there’s never enough time.  The first decision may be to select a partner who can help navigate practical change in an uncertain environment. 


The next decision is “Where should we begin?”


Chordia Consulting's Get Started Now! Services are designed to help you make that decision.

RAITH offers an easy, low cost – and discrete – way to begin to isolate and prioritize your improvement “hot spots.”


A Technology Possibilities Workshop is a simple but structured way to look at possibilities the crush of daily priorities have kept you from considering.

RAITH offers an easy, low cost – and discrete – way to begin to isolate and prioritize your improvement “hot spots.”

RAITH  (Rapid Analysis IT Healthcheck)
Inexpensive on-line questionnaire-driven service that provides a first look at potential IT improvement areas.  Globally available.  Purchased by credit card or PayPal.

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RAITH™  (Rapid Analysis IT Healthcheck)
Inexpensive on-line questionnaire-driven service that provides a first look at potential IT improvement areas.  Globally available.  Purchased by credit card or PayPal.

Technology Possibilities Workshops

Structured, facilitated workshops that explore the possible application to your business or IT environment of new technologies, tools or techniques such as AI, Big Data, or Analytics

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