Get Started Now! Services
Get Started Now! Services
Rapid Algorithmic IT Healthcheck (RAITH™) Overview
Rapid Algorithmic IT Healthcheck (RAITH™) Overview
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Current Chordia Consulting Associates (as of 13 September 2019)
Current Chordia Consulting Associates (as of 13 September 2019)
Current Chordia Consulting Associates (as of 13 September 2019)
Current Chordia Consulting Associates (as of 13 September 2019)
Get Started Now! Services
Get Started Now! Services
Get Started Now! Services

Get Started Now! Services
Get started with a highly experienced but small (and affordable) team with no “big firm” agenda
As an IT or business leader who wants increase IT value, where do you start?
Leaders must carefully consider as many possibilities as time allows. But…there’s never enough time. To sort through all those possibilities, your first decision may be to select a partner who can help you figure out where you are and where you want to go.
You probably already have an idea where the IT problem spots you know what works well, what doesn't and why? What is IT's current effectiveness? Can you envision your future? Do you know how to get there?
Chordia Consulting's Get Started Now! Services are designed to help you embark on your path to the future, quickly identifying problem areas and recommending actions for improvement.
RAITH™ offers an easy, low cost – and discreet – way to begin to identify and prioritize your improvement “hot spots.” RAITH can also provide more in-depth diagnostic assistance for each Chordia Service Area.
RAITH (Rapid Analysis IT Healthcheck)
Inexpensive on-line questionnaire-driven service that provides a first look at potential IT improvement areas. Globally available. Purchased by credit card or PayPal.
Learn more or Buy now. RAITH can also provide Chordia service-area specific diagnostic assistance. Learn more.
IT Effectiveness Assessment is a deeper dive into your IT problem areas, using on-site services that help you build your case for change and define a roadmap to your future IT.
An IT Effectiveness Assessment starts with an in-depth review of how well the IT organization operates across all activity areas, including getting feedback from business users. Identified problem areas and root causes are addressed in a detailed roadmap for improvement.
Managing IT Like A Digital Business services help IT leaders manage IT the same way the digitally transformed business is managed. From IT customers to product (or service) development and delivery, IT is a complete business value chain that needs the same management disciplines as the business to be successful in the 21st Century.
Managing IT Like A Digital Business
Analyze the entire IT business value chain using the IT/CBM framework to enable IT to help drive your organization's digital transformation. Identify tactical and strategic strengths and weaknesses, determine resource imbalances, and explore internal or external functional interdependencies to locate the root cause of lingering issues. From IT customers to product (or service) development and delivery, IT is a complete business value chain that needs the same management disciplines the digitally transformed business uses. Contact us via email​ or chat to learn more.
Technology Possibilities Workshops are a simple but structured way to help IT and business leaders identify relevant new and emerging technology concepts and assess their potential business benefits.
Technology Possibilities Workshops
Structured, facilitated workshops that help your leadership team review the state of the art regarding new and emerging technology concepts, collaboratively assess their potential business benefits, and understand the practical implications of these in terms of existing IT architectures, processes, and skills. Contact Chordia via email or chat to learn more.
Business Possibilities Workshops are a simple but structured way to help IT and business leaders explore wider business trends and assess their value to the organization and their practical implications for IT.
Business Possibilities Workshops
Structured, facilitated workshops that help your leadership team review wider business trends, both general and industry-specific, collaboratively assess their potential value and relevance, and understand their practical IT implications in terms of people, processes, and technology. Contact Chordia via email or chat to learn more.